Brazil’s CADE approves pharmacy tie-up

16 . novembro . 2016

Brazil’s CADE approves pharmacy tie-up

Mattos Engelberg Advogados and Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados have helped get antitrust approval for Brazilian pharmaceuticals wholesaler Profarma’s purchase of Drogaria Rosário.

Profarma hired Mattos Engelberg for the antitrust filing, while Drogaria Rosário’s previous owner Brasil Pharma relied on Machado Meyer.

CADE gave the go-ahead to the deal on 19 October. The authority said there were no risks to competition as a result of the tie-up because the market share of both companies is low.

CADE only took five days to give its approval: the sale was agreed in September.

Profarma bought the pharmacy chain from retailers Brasil Pharma and affiliate Rede Nordeste de Farmácias, paying US$54 million. Machado Meyer was M&A counsel to Brasil Pharma, while Drogaria Rosário worked with Souza, Cescon, Barrieu & Flesch Advogados.

Counsel to Profarma

Mattos Engelberg Advogados

Partner Ubiratan Mattos and associates Nathalia Cesar and Andrea Astorga

Counsel to Brasil Pharma

Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados

For the antitrust approval

Partner Maria Eugênia Novis and associate Úrsula Pereira Pinto

For the M&A

Partners Arthur Penteado and Renato Maggio and associate Igor Finzi, Eduardo Boldrin and Bruno Nazar


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