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Mattos Engelberg anuncia novo sócio

Mattos Engelberg anuncia novo sócio

21 . março . 2017

Novo Sócio - New Partner - Wagner Garcia Botelha

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Mattos Engelberg anuncia novo sócio

Mattos Engelberg anuncia novo sócio

17 . novembro . 2016

Mattos Engelberg anuncia novo sócio

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Brazilian firms target labour and disputes growth

Brazilian firms target labour and disputes growth

5 . novembro . 2016

Latin Lawyer - Brazilian firms target labour and disputes growth

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Mattos Engelberg promueve socia en práctica laboral

Mattos Engelberg promueve socia en práctica laboral

23 . outubro . 2016

Lexlatin - Mattos Engelberg promueve socia en práctica laboral

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Mattos Engelberg anuncia a promoção de nova sócia

Mattos Engelberg anuncia a promoção de nova sócia

18 . outubro . 2016

Mattos Engelberg anuncia a promoção de nova sócia

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(English) China’s market economy status: implications for trade remedies procedures in Brazil

(English) China’s market economy status: implications for trade remedies procedures in Brazil

18 . agosto . 2016

(English) This article presents the discussion regarding China’s treatment as a market economy after December 2016, and the implications of such treatment on subsequent antidumping investigations. Given the imminence of this date, it is necessary to question which will be Brazil's position on the matter, considering also the political and economic aspects that may influence the country’s decision.

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