Here some updated information about port situation in Brazil. Comments are in general about vessel´s movements but more focused to grain loading terminals when talking about cargo elevation, berthing delays, etc.
Data provided by dear Mr. Rodrigo Pinho, Operations Manager at Unimar Agenciamentos Maritimos Ltda.
Loading operations => being carried normally at ports. Vessels proceeding from endemic areas are subject of more strict investigation before having Free Practique to berth/operate. In general:
Vessel proceeding from endemic areas and no symptoms of Covid19 on the crew => Health officers will analyze the paper work (Maritime Health Declaration, Medical Log book, etc) and in case no symptoms on crew during voyage period, the Free Practique is issued and vessel allowed to berth/operate;
Vessel proceeding from endemic areas and with symptoms of Covid19 on the crew => In case Health officers found any suspicious symptoms on crew, vessel will have to berth at a lay by berth to proceed with Sanitary inspection. If no evidences found, vessel will receive Free Practique and allowed to shift to the loading berth. In case confirmed the symptoms, crew will have to disembark to determined hospital to proceed with tests. Then vessel might be put in quarantine until the result of tests. If positive, vessel can be precluded to berth until the 14 days quarantine period (at Sanitary Authorities discretion) as well some procedures of disinfection of vessels accommodations might be required.
Ps: Some ports are not allowing the holds inspections at roads/anchorage prior berthing.
Cargo Elevation/Reception => so far could not identify problems on cargo delivery at ports; Shippers paying attention to possible Truck Drivers strike that may disrupt the cargo elevation at marine terminals. In general, railway services are about 50-60% of grain´s transportation.
Dockers => no rumors of strike. Grains operations uses casual labors only for trimming cargo on holds but service can be performed with own personnel in case of strike.
Pilotage => At Northern Ports of Brazil as Santana, Santarem and Macapa, pilot transfer being performed with air taxi or chartered flights to avoid delays. Additional costs being passed onto owners together with pilotage fare.
Crew change => still very delicate issue. At some ports the disembark being authorized if end of contract and crew in Brazilian waters for more than 14 days without any Covid19 symptom. Also, air tickets must be in hands and crew must leave the vessel directly to airport. At most cities, hotels are closed and no chance to accommodate crew. Thus, still unfeasible to perform crew change on this scenario except for medical urgency.
Delays on berthing => in general more delays being observed on account of line up; no other factors impacting on it. Attached last line up.
Average Delays
– 3-5 days => Rio Grande, Sao Francisco do Sul;
– 5-7 days => nil;
– 7-10 days => nil;
– 10-15 days => Itacoatiara, Santarem, Aratu (Cotegipe), Tubarão, Paranagua (depending on the terminal may be less);
– 15 days onwards => São Luis, Barcarena (depending on the terminal may be less), Santos (most terminals but depending which it may be less);