CAMEX creates the new National Investment Committee | International Trade Newsletter 40

1 . July . 2019
International Trade Newsletter 40

On June 28, 2019 was published the Decree nº 9.885, which creates the new National Investment Committee of the Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX). The entity can perform advisory and deliberative activities, and will be able to elaborate public policies proposals, guidelines and actions related to foreign investments in Brasil and Brazilian investments on foreign countries.

The Special Secretary of Foreign Trade and International Affairs of the Ministry of Economics will be responsible for the Committee’s coordination and the meetings will occur once every six months. The following authorities are also part of the Committee: the General Secretary of the Ministry of International Affairs; Special Secretary of the Federal Revenue; Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply; Special Secretary of the Secretary of Investment Partnerships Program of the Executive Office’s Chief of Staff; Executive Secretary of Ministry of Infrastructure; General Secretary of the Ministry of Defense and the Secretary of the Executive Office’s Chief of Staff. The President of the Agency for Imports and Exports Promotion can also attend the meetings, when invited, but will note have a vote.

The Decree also creates the Permanent Technical Group of the National Investment Committee, which members were not defined yet by the Special Secretary of Foreign Trade and International Affairs of the Ministry of Economics. The Group will be coordinated by the Undersecretary of Foreign Investments of the Executive Secretary of the Foreign Trade Chamber. The meetings will happen once in every two months and additional meetings can be requested by any of the members.

The Executive Secretary of the Foreign Trade Chamber will provide the secretarial activities for the Committee and for the Technical Group. The Decree is already into force and the decree about CAMEX’s new competences and functions is also expected to be published soon.


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