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Fernando Engelberg de Moraes

Fernando Engelberg de Moraes


+55 (11) 3750-3600


Português Espanhol Inglês Italiano


Mr. Engelberg worked for over 30 years as a legal manager and general counsel of large companies.

In Ciba-Geigy Química S.A. (currently named Novartis) he worked for 6 years as a lawyer and legal manager, during which period he was responsible for consulting and contractual areas. Fernando was the head of the legal department at Iochpe-Maxion S.A. for 4 years.

At Louis Dreyfus group in Brazil he worked for nearly 20 years, occupying the positions of general counsel and executive vice president and, for 10 years, accumulating the position of Director of Human Resources. He also served for many years the position of global responsible for mergers and acquisitions involving industrial assets of the same corporate group.

Academic Education

Graduated from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), post graduated in Commercial Law from Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and has a master degree in International Commercial Law from University of California (Davis), in the United States of America.