Arbitration Newsletter 1 – Brazil confirms its vocation to be a arbitration friendly country

9 . April . 2019
Arbitration Newsletter 1

Brazil confirms its vocation to be a arbitration friendly country

The Secretariat of Jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) published the 122nd edition of its Jurisprudence in Theses, with the specific theme of Arbitration. The understandings were extracted from judgments published by the Court until 03/22/2019 and reveal that Brazil is becoming an increasingly friendly country to arbitration. See below the published understandings:

1) The arbitration agreement, either in the form of arbitration agreement or in the modality of arbitration clause, once contracted by the parties, has binding force and mandatory character, defining to the chosen arbitration court the jurisdiction to settle the litigations related to the arbitrable matters, derogating the State jurisdiction.

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